





































  • 撮影の現場は時間管理がルーズで
  • スタッフ全員が過労状態
  • 最後は余裕がなくなってやっつけ仕事
  • スケジュールの関係でシナリオ変更

















  • 役者の自己満足を優先してスケジュールを長くする
  • 逆に作品の規模を小さく変える





























  • アラを隠し
  • テンポが良くなり
  • セリフが覚えやすい















  • 声の音程に幅があると上手く聞こえて、
  • 音程の幅が狭いと下手に聞こえる傾向がある






































Only a few “connoisseurs” are aware of the authenticity

I often refer to my method of filmmaking as ‘cheat movie art’.

At first glance, it pretends to be condescending and modest because it is a “perverse” to the “royal road”, but in reality, there are various aspects of the “royal road” that are antipathy.


To put it simply, the “royal road movie” prioritizes adherence to the old-fashioned way.


I think there are many people who think that, if anything, the level of the old movies was lower than today, such as the performance of the equipment being lower than now, and the acting having a lot of unique overaction.

However, there was a time when funds were overwhelmingly abundant.

There are many habits that were created during that time.


One of them is to make and place everything that is reflected in the camera in life size.


It seems that there was a time when he made a station platform set and bought a real steam locomotive because “the Japanese National Railways wouldn’t cooperate with the filming of the station platform scene”.

That’s an exciting and interesting episode, but I disagree with the opinion that ‘movies should be like this’.


If we give top priority to the real thing, all of our “hobby movies” made with a little pocket money will only be small and poor.


Film is inherently free.

Unlike the stage, there is a lot of room for visual ingenuity.

Why not take advantage of this?


Apart from the popularity of full-fledged blockbuster movies, so-called B-grade movies are also very popular.

I love too.


The appeal of B-movies is that you can unashamedly spread the word.

Even though I can’t shoot on a large scale, I can develop a story on a large scale.

In a way, I think B-movies have a very “cinematic side.”

The hated “evil way” is actually effective

Even in photography, unorthodox methods are disliked by people who have traditional beliefs that “this is what photography is all about.”


For example, if you are shooting an actor’s upper body and the next shot is a close-up of the face.

Once you stop the camera, zoom in on the face, shoot, and you have the image you want.

But this is called a “scarecrow camera” and I hate old-fashioned photographers.

Always try to move the camera position a little bit, not just up.


Of course, the background image changes as you move, and there are elements that add to the image, but the shooting time increases steadily.

Even though the budget is low and the schedule is tight, we keep repeating that kind of thing.

  • Time management is loose at the shooting site
  • All staff overworked
  • At the end, I can’t afford it, so I rushed to work
  • Scenario change due to schedule

No matter how long it takes, you can’t get out of the worst vicious circle.


I feel that the advantage of shortening the time is far greater than the disadvantage of the scarecrow camera, so I use the scarecrow camera a lot.

I’m not at all afraid of the threat that “If you do something like a scarecrow camera, you won’t be a good photographer.”

Because I don’t want to be a good photographer.

Rather than such a thing, it is 100 times more disappointing to have to omit the scene that I thought about because of the schedule overrun.


Even in the field of acting, there is a wall between the “royal road” and the “evil road”.

In particular, people with acting experience have a resistance to say, “I can’t call it acting because I don’t have any feelings in that exchange.”

Certainly, as an actor, I think it would be fun to perform a performance that reflects the convincing movement of the heart, and I think it would be very satisfying.


However, in the case of a small-scale production with a small budget, it is not possible to practice as much as in theater.

At the shooting site where you start shooting almost at random, it is always busy and hectic.

It’s not a big deal, but I can’t shoot at a pace that prioritizes the satisfaction of the actors.


I often hear the criticism that “actors are not dolls”,

  • lengthen the schedule in favor of the actor’s self-satisfaction
  • Conversely, reduce the scale of the work

I think it’s putting the cart before the horse.


Therefore, at least when it comes to my entertainment work, I avoid coordinating with “people who insist on their own acting policy.”

He even said that it would be better to team up with an “inexperienced actor” who will be a “puppet” with the producer’s intentions, rather than a filming that leaves both sides dissatisfied between the values of an actor and the reality of the situation. thinking about.

It’s not a stage play, but a video work, so I think it would be more fun to take advantage of that feature and use visual ingenuity to make it look like amateur actors are doing “realistic acting”. .

Visual power that covers acting ability

The biggest difference between professional and amateur actors is, of course, acting ability.

When I use an amateur actor who doesn’t have acting skills, instead of practicing acting, I focus on capturing the “appearance” in each scene.


Originally, facial expressions come from emotions, so acting theory should be “practice to understand and express emotions”, but it is not possible to acquire such skills in a short time.

There is nothing more effective than a command to “be more like this”.

Because there is no technology to express it when you feel that way.

Speaking of criticism, I think that what is necessary in practice is a concrete and superficial “change in facial expression.”


Of course, in order to become a good actor, it’s not enough to follow the appearance, but an amateur actor doesn’t need to be a “good actor” in the first place.

On that day, in front of the camera, it would be nice if I could do the “acting-like thing” that is necessary for the work.


Unlike stage performances, it doesn’t matter how many times you fail in front of the camera in acting (what you see) in video works.

I think it’s enough if you think, “It’s a game where if it goes well just once, it’s OK.”


I think that people and actors who think that the royal road of filmmaking is important will get a bad reputation, but I see myself and my colleagues saying, “Even though it’s actually messy and full of failures on set, it looks like it after editing.” And on the contrary, it’s fun.

I believe that a large part of the enjoyment of making movies as a hobby lies in this “deception”.


As a specific video device, it is most effective to simply divide cuts into smaller pieces.

I can’t act, so if I continue to be reflected for a long time, ara will appear.

I don’t have the charm or charisma of an actor, so if I’m on the screen for a long time, it won’t last.


By finely dividing the cut,

  • hide ala
  • better tempo
  • lines are easy to remember

benefits are generated.


Especially for me, even though I write my own scenarios, I can’t memorize the lines at all during filming, so I try to make the cuts as detailed as possible.


As a result, as a result, it often seems that the actor who can act is acting better than the video that was filmed in a long time.

When the same creator sees it, they may understand, “Did you cut it because you couldn’t remember the lines?”, but I assume that the audience will enjoy the work.

I don’t care what’s going on behind the scenes.


Another problem is the performance of amateur actors.

it’s voice. In other words, it is lines turning”.


I think that 80% of the way acting looks good is the way you say your lines.


Again, if you put the acting theory aside and analyze it,

  • If there is a range in the pitch of the voice, it will be heard well,
  • If the pitch range is narrow, it tends to sound bad

I think.

If the range of pitches is narrow, it will be in a state of so-called “stick reading”.


And, as you can see by trying to imitate the performance yourself and filming, the range of pitch tends to be narrower than you think.

In other words, unless the intonation of the dialogue is slightly overdone, it will sound like a straight line reading than the person himself/herself perceives.


When you have an amateur actor perform, it is effective to indicate the lines by pitch.

“Say this word in a high voice, and this word in a low voice.”

This is because it is clear what to do if you can give instructions.


Even if I make a mistake, I will not explain “because this is the feeling here”.

People who are not trained in acting do not have the skills to express that emotion.

Please take it easy and have them enjoy acting as a doll.


I always feel this difficulty because I appear in my works as an amateur actor.

Making facial expressions and memorizing lines is all I can do, and I can’t quite think about the pitch of my voice.


So, what I often use is to throw away the acting of the dialogue at the shooting site, and stick to the pitch of the dialogue later when dubbing.

If you shoot on the premise of dubbing, you don’t need a recording staff, and the shooting speed is very fast.


If you try it, you’ll find that it’s relatively easy to pay attention to the pitch and make the lines sound like your acting if you focus only on your voice during post-recording.

Matching the dialogue with the movement of the mouth can be done easily with a trick.

I will explain this on another occasion.


In this way, whether it’s shooting or acting, it’s not just the “old-fashioned professional way” as a model, but having fun with free ideas and “finishing a work that looks like it” is what amateurs do. This is a characteristic of independent films and DIY films.


Wouldn’t you like to experience the exhilaration of “contrary to the sluggishness of the making, the finished product looks like it”?


I would appreciate it if you could share the article if it is helpful.

(This sentence was written by automatic translation)


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