


これは探検映画「水曜スペシャル the movie 水晶髑髏伝説」の中で、主人公たちが原住民の長老と会見する場面に使うために作りました。







































Using life-size dolls as part of the idea to create a dummy head for the elder and expand the range of performers

(The following is based on the export from the video telop. Please enjoy the content in the video)

This time I will introduce a dummy head (fake head).

I made this for the scene where the main characters meet with the aboriginal elders in my exploration movie “Wednesday Special the movie Crystal Skull Legend”.


As a special effect to be used in such a scene, it is possible to have a person perform with special makeup, but this time I chose the method of making a full-scale model of the head.


I also made a model of an elder lying down for shooting in a setting called “inside a hut” in the jungle.

Since this is not a close-up, I used the same plaster mold as the dummy head and duplicated it with latex rubber.


Apart from that, I thought about the structure by making a moving face and shooting a scene where he is talking.

First of all, since we are talking, we want to move our mouths. I also thought that if the eyes didn’t move, it wouldn’t be realistic, and if the eyelids also moved, the expression would change, so I designed it.

I’m making it while observing the material photos of old special effects movies.


When you try to make a movable doll, you will find that the structure of the human body is made up of a very complicated combination of movements.


Basically, I worked on the idea of expressing all movements by pulling and returning the wire.

I especially paid attention to eye movements.

This is because I thought that facial expressions could be expressed by moving the eyeballs up, down, left, and right, as well as the eyelids.


If you look at the creative notes from that time, you can see the traces of trial and error in various ways regarding the structure of mouth movements.

There was a photo showing the internal structure of the dummy head that I actually made.

This is a picture taken of what I had saved as a reference material after a long time since the shooting was over.


The black wire that runs through the center, the structure is such that the eyelids move up and down and the eyeball moves up and down and left and right by pulling the brake wire of the bicycle.

In the end, only the movement of the jaw could not be expressed with a wire, so I decided to take a simple shooting method by removing all the wires and moving the jawbone directly by hand and moving the mouth according to the lines. took.


The material of the skin is latex rubber. I use the skin by making a prototype with clay, taking a mold with plaster, painting the inside of the plaster with latex rubber, and then removing it later.

Then, the hair for Japanese dolls is sewn on later to make it look like it has grown hair.

Painting is done with oil paint.


The completed video is set to be lying down, but it is difficult to operate if it is turned sideways, so the actual shooting is done with the floor standing vertically.

By tilting the camera sideways and filming, the resulting image looks like the elder is lying down.

If you look at the picture taken at the time of shooting, you can see the TV monitor in the lower right. While operating behind the dummy head, we are checking the movement on the monitor and shooting.


As I am the operator, I say the lines and move my mouth accordingly.

(The text is based on the export from the video telop. Please enjoy the content in the video)

(This sentence was written by automatic translation)


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