





































  • 悲鳴を上げながら床に倒れ込む


  • 怪獣の足が踏みつぶす天井のミニチュア(グリーンバック撮影)


  • シンプルな手法の方がリアルに仕上がる
  • 100%作り物ではなく50%は実景を利用する






Special effects that cost money and special effects that don’t cost

The main purpose of “special effects” in movie production is to save the budget.
There are various types of special effects, but let’s think about the easy-to-understand “miniature” here.


For example, let’s say you have a scene where the Houses of Parliament explode.
It would be physically possible to build a full-scale set of the Houses of Parliament and film the detonation scene, but it would be very expensive.
There are not many people who can shoot the extravagant scene of burning a life-size set like Akira Kurosawa, who sticks to that reality to the last.


Therefore, in the case of analog special effects, it is common to make a miniature of the building and shoot it.
For example, if we were to make a 1/10 scale building of the National Assembly, it would still be a huge enough set, but compared to a full-scale set, it would be 1/1000 the volume, so simply considering the cost of materials, it would be 1/1000. It will be possible with the amount of money.


When it comes to miniatures, if you enjoy “smallness”, the smaller the size, the more attractive it is, but if you need to create a miniature that looks like the real thing in a movie, the larger the size, the more realistic you can make it.

Of course, even if you only consider the cost of materials, large miniatures cost more than small miniatures.
Your budget and sophistication will dictate the size of your miniature set.


However, especially in Japanese movies, although the miniature sets are wonderfully detailed, they often do not look like the “real thing” in the film.
I think the main reason is simply “the lighting is too bright” rather than “the quality of the miniature set”.

We are all familiar with the miniature sets of destroyed buildings in monster movies, but the lighting in the National Diet Building and the Shinjuku Metropolitan Government Building is too beautiful, as if we were emphasizing that it is a well-made miniature set. think.

If you don’t have to be told, you can’t tell that the miniature sets in Hollywood movies are miniatures, but Japanese movies are clearly miniatures.
There are people who say, “It’s because the budget is small,” but I don’t think that’s the case.

In American movies, in order to make the miniature set look like the real thing, the lighting is dimmed so that the ara cannot be seen. It’s a set, isn’t it?” I think there is a sense of wanting to show off your skills.

frustrating reality

Famous monster movies include “Godzilla” and “Gamera”.
They are monsters from different companies and are sometimes compared in a rivalry fashion.

However, the production costs are quite different.
Roughly speaking, the production cost of Godzilla and Gamera is 2:1.
In other words, Gamera is made for half the price of Godzilla.


Here, a strange reversal phenomenon can be seen in special effects images.


In “Godzilla,” where you can bet a large amount of money, as mentioned above, there is a scene where a huge miniature set of the Shinjuku Metropolitan Government Building appears and is destroyed by Godzilla.
And that, at least in my eyes, does not create the illusion that “that huge Shinjuku Metropolitan Government Building is being destroyed by a huge monster.”
Ultimately, it looks like Godzilla in a costume is destroying a “very well-made miniature building”.


On the other hand, for “Gamera”, which has a large budget, it seems that there are many videos that create spectacular scenes by synthesizing and combining “actual scenery” and “miniature set” without making a whole miniature set. .
I think it’s simply a way to keep production costs down, but ironically, it’s a more realistic destruction scene.
Half of the footage is of the actual scene, so it’s only natural for it to be realistic.


In this way, it is said that if you spend money on a large-scale shoot, the ara will stand out, and because it is a lower budget, it will be a more powerful image if you cheat the small-scale special effects well. It is special effects that things tend to happen.


Synthesis methods can also have similar superiority and inferiority. Simple and easy video synthesis tends to be finished naturally, and video synthesis that makes full use of complex and advanced technology tends to be unnatural.

Originally, the goal of tokusatsu is to prevent people from noticing that the video is tokusatsu, so it doesn’t matter whether the technology is advanced or primitive.
If you go through all the hard work, it will end up looking unnatural, so if you have a choice, I think it’s better to choose a simple method.

lie half

Based on that, when I propose a trick for video composition, it means “halve the artificial thing”.


For example, in a monster movie, let’s say you want to create an image of a room being trampled.
At that time, if I were to make a special effects video in a luxurious and honest way, I think I would make a miniature of the room.
You might think of a way to put all the elements of a room – the ceiling, the walls, the floor, the furniture – into a miniature set and shoot while stomping on it.


Of course, there is fun in shooting miniature sets, but I doubt how realistic it will be.
Moreover, the set will be destroyed after one shot, so I think the shooting will fail with a probability of about 90%.


If I were to pursue realism and also aim for significant cost reduction, I would make a miniature set for the ceiling only.
I will synthesize a miniature set of only the collapsing ceiling and rubble with the image inside the real room.

Since the footage of the actual room is used, people can be filmed together. Combining the image of “falling to the floor while screaming” with the “miniature ceiling where the monster’s foot tramples (photographed with a green screen)” seems to be able to create a fairly realistic and powerful image.
What’s more, since only the ceiling is crushed by foot, you can repeat the shooting several times by preparing a spare with a simple structure.

  • A simple method is more realistic
  • 50% use the real scene instead of 100% artificial

This idea works.

I’m glad if you can use it as a reference.

(This sentence was written by automatic translation)


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